History of Neurobehavioral Research Laboratory and Clinic

Core members of the NRLC have worked together at three institutions.
The NRLC was formed by Dr. Donald Dougherty, initially focusing on aggressive and impulsive behaviors at the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston. This work was fostered by collaboration with Drs. Alan Swann, F. Gerard Moeller, Joel Steinberg, and Ernest Barratt. During Dr. Dougherty's time in Houston he recruited two student, Drs. Charles Mathias and Dawn Richard, who have been core member of the group ever since. These three faculty developed and programmed the software for assessment of behavioral impulsivity.
After 10 years in Houston, the NRLC relocated their facilities to Winston-Salem, NC and joined the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Wake Forest University Health Sciences. During that time to group initiated a longitudinal research program assessing the development of impulse control, substance abuse, and suicidal behaviors among teens. Core collaborations were developed with Drs. R. Michael Furr, Terry Blumenthal, and Anthony Liguori.
In 2007 then NRLC was recruited to the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio. Core membership grew during this time to include Drs. Ashley Acheson and Natalie Hill-Kapturczak. Collaborations also grew to include senior members of the department psychiatry; Drs. Richard Lamb, Marty Javors, and Burl Davis. In 2010 the NRLC became the Division of Neurobehavioral Research within Department of Psychiatry, whose mission includes excellence in research, clinical care, education, administration, and service.