Health Resources

Treatment Services

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Motivational Alcohol Treatment to Enhance Roadway Safety (MATTERS)

The MATTERS program is provides treatment to adults who have experienced alcohol-related driving offenses (e.g. DWI or DUI).

Treatment is delivered at no cost to adults with DWI's to reduce harmful alcohol use.

Treatment services include: risk assessment, motivational enhancement, contingency management, individual therapy, and alcohol monitoring.


Stimulant Medication Treatment for Aggressive Youth with ADHD

Stimulant medications are the first line treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and for some youth concomitant reductions in aggressive behavior may also be experienced. 

Stimulant medication treatment is provided at no cost youth (ages 13-17) for treatment of ADHD.

Treatment services include: psychiatric and health assessment, medication, and ongoing monitoring of symptom changes.

Health Education

The NRLC routinely conducts educational and training programs pertinent to the mental health topics that we have expertise in.

We are starting to compile a directory of this information for our internet audience.

The following lists some of our health resources:

If you are interested in having a member of the NRLC speak to your group on one of these or similar health topics please contact us.


Educación para la salud

El NRLC conduce rutinario programas educativos y de entrenamiento en relación a los temas en los que tenemos experiencia.

Estamos empezando a elaborar un directorio de esta información para nuestra audiencia del Internet.

la siguiente es una lista de algunos de nuestros recursos de salud:


Si usted está interesado en tener un miembro del NRLC hablar con su grupo en uno de estos temas de salud o similar, póngase en contacto con nosotros.


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